What is Intensive Therapy & What Are Its Benefits
Perhaps you’ve been going to therapy once or twice per month. Yet you’re starting to suspect this isn’t enough time with your therapist.
What is Gaslighting & How Can You Address It
Perhaps you’ve heard the term “gaslighting” before, but you’re not really sure what it means. Or maybe you’re familiar with the concept, and you suspect that a partner, friend, or relative is gaslighting you
5 Easy Ways To Communicate More Effectively As A Couple
Perhaps you and your partner have been struggling to communicate lately. Conversations about problems you’ve been having never seem to end with resolutions. Sometimes, you feel like your partner is barely listening when you bring up something that upsets you.
What is the Karpman Triangle & Does it Help with Codependency
Many people struggle with codependency and don’t even realize it. Perhaps you feel like you’re stuck in a codependent relationship within your family or with several people in your friend group.